Charles Floyd Young was born February 15, 1881 in Dover, Arkansas. His parents were:
Tabitha Francis Vaughan Young
May 17, 1857
March 13, 1931
Robert Daniel Morgan Young
October 9, 1857
May 9, 1931
They were married December 19, 1875
From left to right: Alvy, Jessie, Ed, Lucy, Will, Minnie, Charley and Bertha
Charley Young, standing. Jeb Grant, Charley's brother-in-law, seated on the right.
The Youngs lived on Gravel Hill, in Pope County, Arkansas. It was close enough for Charley Young's children to walk through the woods to visit them regularly. Grandmother Young always seemed to know when to expect her grandchildren and was always prepared for them with huge slices of homemade bread, dripping with wonderful country butter. A favorite diversion was listening to her tell of the Civil War and the hardships her family had undergone. Julia F Young remembered when her Grandmother would say, "And we crept into the cave, deep in the dark woods where our supply of pork, beans and potatoes were hidden until the Yankees had gone."
Aunt Bith (Tabitha Francis Vaughan Young), as she was affectionately known by her neighbors had snow white hair and dark lonely eyes. Her family was black Dutch, tall, dark, dignified and industrious. They had emigrated from Holland; a part of those people from Spain who occupied Holland for 300 years.
(Excerpt from Journal of Julia F. Young Welch)
Robert Daniel Morgan Young's parents were:
Richard Young - born in 1805
Caroline Susannah Linam Chambers -
born June 27, 1815, Union Dist, SC
They were married June 2, 1847
Source: Young/Vaughan Bible submitted by Jacquelyn Bonds to website:
Information below from History of Pope County, Arkansas by Pope County Historical Association of Russellville, 1974
Richard Young, born about 1805, in South Carolina married in Tennessee, about 1833. He, with a wife and 3 children settled in the Gravel Hill community in 1840, 3 miles west of the Furr Cemetery on what is now known as Morgan Rd. Three more children were born before the mother died about 1845. On 2 June, 1847, Richard Young married Mrs. Caroline Linam Chambers, who had 2 children by a previous marriage.
By 1860 3 sons were born to the 2nd marriage of Richard Young and they were Andrew Jl., Thomas Stanford and Robert Daniel, my grandfather. On 19 December, 1878, Robert Daniel Young was married to Tabitha Vaughn by Rev. C.L. Kirksey, a Methodist minister. Robert Dan, like his father was a farmer and continued to live near by in the Hatley area. The eight children of Robert Daniel and Tabitha Young were: Minnie, married Andrew Taylor, Jesse, married Rube Hubbard, Lucy, married jeb Grant, Charley Linam married Effied Parker September 28, 1902.
My great grandfather, Richard and wife Caroline Young are buried in the Furr Cemetery.

Submitted by R. A. Young, jr.
Young Grandparents in front of their house.
The following letter excerpts tell some of the Vaughan family history. It was written January 3, 1956 to Bertha Young Bowden from Rowena and Edna Vaughan (second cousins to Tabitha Francis Vaughan).
I have heard Bill (Vaughan?) say that he once talked with a man from England that said he knew Vaughans in England and they pronounced the name Vau-han. Bill said he imagined that was the original pronunciation and it had been shortened.
Charlotte Bringle Vaughan was your grandmother. She was Uncle Alex sister. I remember your mother's Grandfather and Grandmother Bringle. We called her grandfather Uncle Jesse. I don't remember that I ever knew if the Bringles were original Arkansas folks but I know that the Vaughans were Virginians and came from England. They were English People.
When I was in school somewhere we had to write what nationality we were. On Papa's side we were told to say English from Vaughans and from Bringle side German Dutch (Red Dutch). Of course your mother (Tabitha) had same blood as Papa (Ed Vaughan).
About ancestors, I may not be much help but will tell some of the things I have heard Bill and Ed and their father tell about the family. I don't remember that I ever heard father Vaughan call his first wife's name but I have heard of her often. After your grandmother died, he and Belle were living by themselves and he had a gentle mare that he rode quite a bit and visited while Belle was at school and I think even after she married. He enjoyed talking of early days when his first wife was living. he said she was one of the best housekeepers he had ever seen. He also told how he talked to your grandmother who was the Widow Scarlet when he was courting her. His first wife was Hughs or it may have been spelled Huse. They came there from Virginia and settled in the neighborhood where Grandpa Bringle lived. I think the Bringles were probably their nearest neighbors.
His wife died and left him, I think with 5 children. Your grandmother was a widow with one child, a little girl. I don't know what his wife's first name was. (It may be that when they married your grandmothers child and his together made five.) I had Bill (Vaughan) in his last years talk quite a lot about the families. His father had one girl and your grandmother had one girl. I have heard Bill tell about the girls dying almost at the same time. I think their father had four boys. Bill was the youngest. I have heard him say that the brothers all died at the age of 16 and when he got 16 ever time he got a little sick he felt that was the time that he would die. Both girls died when they were little or that is the way I remember. They had some disease that was bad at the time. I don't remember but the little girls both died, I think, within a week of each other.
Your grandfather Vaughan moved from Virginia to Arkansas. I imagine sometime during the 1850's. They were living on the place you know north of the Hatley's School House during the Civil War. I have heard him and Pa both talk about his knowing Pa when we moved from St. Francis Country to Ppe County in 1871. My father was with General Price's Army that marched from Missouri to Helena, Arkansas in 1863. It was known that the army was coming so Father Vaughan took Bill and they went up to the road near where Hatley School house was and watched the army pass. They were all supposed to be walking but Pa was driving the commissary wagon and instead of sitting in the wagon as a driver is supposed to be, he was riding one of the mules.
I don't know when they moved from Virginia. His first wife died there and I have heard him say that Charlotte and Grandma Bringle would come and help him take care of the lard and do the work that he felt he couldn't do. He said the way he asked Charlotte to marry him was when they took the meat out of the salt, Grandma Bringle and Charlotte were helping, he asked if she would come and help him eat the meat. I don't remember what she said, but something he thought favorable enough that he told her he was asking her to marry him. Of course then he went on and told her that he was lonely and all that talk that goes along with such a request. He told what his first wife could do when she was keeping house, but that he wasn't asking her to take another's place, but to take her own place as his wife. He said if he had been trying to get someone to do like his first wife he couldn't have beat it as she was just as thorough as the other one.

They moved from Virginia in a covered wagon and were weeks in making the trip. One of his brothers who moved with them from Virginia was dissatisfied with Arkansas and I think didn't stay but one week. He didn't even take the cover off his wagon. Just turned and started back.

Information from History of Pope County, Arkansas, Pope County Historical Association of Russellville, 1974.
JESSE BRINGLE - Jesse and Margaret Bringle, parents of Charlotte Evangeline Bringle Scarlett Vaughan, were born and married in North Carolina and came to Arkansas between 1848 - 1850. In 1850, they had 5 children at home. One daughter, Charlotte A. had married Thomas K. Scarlett of Conway County in December 1848, and had a child 9 months old in 1850 and was living with her parents. Of these 5 children, Alexander was the youngest, being born in Tennessee in 1842. The other children were also born in Tennessee. By 1860, all their children had either married or had passed away except Alex, who was still at home. Margaret died 15 July, 1889 and was said at the time to have had 6 children, 4 of them preceeding her in death.

Submitted by Mildred Bringle
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The Linam Family History was taken from the LINAM Family History book, written by
and used with her gracious permission. For a copy of the Linam book, contact Lina Boyd.
Caroline Susanah Linam, second wife of Richard Young, was born June 27, 1815, Union District, South Caroline. she died Feb 3, 1896 in Pope County, Arkansas and is buried in Furr Cemetery , south of Dover, Ar.
Caroline's parents were John Hodges Linam and Judith Teague.
John Hodges Linam was born Oct 28, 1787.
Judith Teague was born Jan 17, 1791.
There is a small hand sewn booklet which was written by and belonged to John Hodges Linam, 1787-1876, which has birth records of all of his children. This booklet is in the possesion of Nellie Mildred Kitchen Benson, in Lawrence County Tenn.
John Hodges LINAM, son of George LINAM and Mary HODGES, was born 28 October 1787 in Union District, South Caroline, died 13 May 1876 in Lawrence Co., Tennessee , six miles west of Lawrenceburg. He married Judith TEAGUE on 21 January 1808 and 13 children were born to them, six daughters and seven sons. Judith TEAGUE LINAM was born 16 January 1791 in Union District, SC died 27 November 1879 in Lawrence Co, Tennessee. She ws the daughter of Israel TEAGUE and Sarah CATER of Union District, SC.
According to the 1820 census of Lawrence Co., Tennessee, John Hodges'two brothers-in-law, William and Willis LUCAS had already settled in Tennessee. Soon after, John and 2 friends rode horseback to Tennessee looking for land to homestead. He bought land about 6 miles west of Lawrenceburg, TN on the waters of CROWSON Creek of 12 1/2 cents per acre, later adding to this until he acquired approximately 4000 acres.
He moved his family, household possessions and slaves by covered wagon from Union District, SC in March 1823 and livved on year in Lawrence County, Ala, then in March 1824 he moved to Lawrence Co., Tennessee where he settled and resided until his death at the age of 88 years.
After settling on his plantation, he built a fine 2-story home out of brick, which was made from sand and molasses and baked. Everything was done by slave labor and the old plantation home is still standing today, but the present owner has added another room. Also the slave huts that were in the back have all been torn down.
When he mvoed from SC, one entire wagon was full of flowers, bulbs, plants, shrubs, and fruit tress as he was a great lover of flowers. It is reported that at one time he had a five acre rose garden in addition to his flower garden and fruit orchard. He had species of every type of flower in the world except one, which he wasn't able to get as it was in Germany. Still standing today at the old home is the oldest Holly Tree in America and next to the largest in the world.
John was very religious and loved his church. He gave land for a Methodist church and had his slaves dig up a large number of cedar trees and set them out around the church. As they dug them up, he had the slaves mark the side which grew to the north so they could set them out the same way they grew. They did it by moon light.
Prior to the Civil War he was considerred a wealthy man and the 1869 Lawrence Co., Census's valuation is $6,000 for real estate and $37,630 for personal property. Just before the War, he sold a prime slave for $4,000 and was paid in gold. When the war ended, he freed florty slaves and most of them took their master's name. Today you will find black LINAMs all through out middle Tennesee.
John Hodges had also sent to Ireland for a stallion and a mare. During the Civil War, the Union soldiers came during the night to the Linam home while they were sleeping and the soldiers' aim was to steal both horses. The mare was with foal. The soldiers got the stallion bridled and started to bridle the mare but were unsuccessful. John Hodges had traiend the mare to be bridled only from a certain side and when the soldiers tried they only excited the mare beyond reason, waking up the family. John Hodges came out and the soldiers told him, " If you don't get that horse bridled we'll kill you." John tried the way he always did, but because the horse was too excited he couldn't. He tried and tried, and losing patience the soldiers took their sabers and cut the mare's stomach open. Shortly after this time, bushwhackers came and took all the meat out of John's smokehouse, poured lard and honey all over the meat, tied the meat up and attached the rope to a horse dragging it around and around the house in the dirt.
This page includes family histories of the YOUNG, VAUGHAN, BRINGLE and LINAM surnames.