And a special posthumous thanks to William "Teler" Young for writing such a touching family letter on January 20, 1976, which years later has inspired the creation of this family web site. Teler's letter is at the bottom of this page.
All the children of Effie and Charley Young were special parents, aunts and uncles to the next generation. I truly believe that those of us in the second generation were blessed to have been born into such a unique family. Even the many great-aunts and great-uncles that we were fortunate to know were also distinctive in the family ties they maintained. Remember Uncle Mid Parker? What a rare individual he was. And, what about Aunt Bertha Young Bowden? I still remember her love for life and the closeness she maintained to her kin. When I think about the special legacies our parents, aunts and uncles gave to us I remember the love that all the brothers and sisters had for each other. I also remember the special sense of humor that each had. The telling of stories and the laughter were always part of every family gathering. This must have been a result of the happy home life their parents provided them.
YOUNG FAMILY PICTURE - probably taken around 1933-34
Back row: Marcelle Young, Bill (Teler) Young, Albert Gentry, Charles (Bud) Young, Lucile Gentry Young, Robert (Pete) Young, Clara McClellan Young
Front row: Clarence Young, Nell (Ned) Young Gentry, Marjorie & Claudyne Young, Charles Floyd Young, Marie Young, Julia Young, Claud Young, Terry Young

To my Brothers and Sisters and their Children:
After the supper at the get-together in Lubbock, something was said about how may persons came for supper, and the questions was asked, "How many are there in all?"
Before it was done someone had started making lists of names and addresses. There are in the neighborhood of 135 names on the list that I have memeographed up. By now there may be a new name that could be added. Some of the addresses are not available, and some names are not available to me, and so please forgive me if any person was not listed.
This was quite an experience to me. I began to realize how we are related to one another in so many different ways, and yet how we are dependent upon one another: meaning that if we are going to pull our share in building up the family tree we had better live the way Mama and Papa wanted us to. They gave us a fair start in life, and if they had been able to do so, there was not anything they would not have done for us. But, they did give us a happy home.
I just want to say how proud I was of all the nephew and the neices. I hope that they will, through the list of names, see and feel that there is strength in numbers, and always support one another. The Bible says, "Children are a gift from God; they are his reward. Children born to a young man are like sharp arrows to defend him. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them. That man shall have the help he needs when argueing with his enemies."
I hope that you will enjoy reading this, and know who your kinfolks are, and where.